The Ingredients
  • 1 bag of smoked herrings
  • 500g of pizza dough (available in bakeries)
  • 1 jar of tomato sauce of your choice
  • 200g of grated cheese (Gruyère)
  • 10 Pitted black olives
  • Oregano to taste
  • 1 large bowl
  • 1 baking tray, pizza pan, or pizza stone
  • 1 rolling pin

Steps to follow

  • STEP 01

    Place the herring fillets in a large bowl of water to defrost.

  • STEP 02

    Preheat the oven to 220C (420F).

  • STEP 03

    Roll out the pizza dough with a rolling pin on a lightly floured counter (like me, if you're not a real Italian). Place it on the floured baking sheet, pizza pan or pizza stone. Reserve.

  • STEP 04

    Remove the herring fillets from the water and squeeze them lightly between two sheets of paper towel to dry them well. Set aside.

  • STEP 05

    Pour the tomato sauce over the dough.

  • STEP 06

    Spread the cheese, herring fillets, black olives and oregano over the sauce.

  • STEP 07

    Bake for about 20 minutes or until the cheese is golden brown.

  • STEP 08


The fork of Lagoon Seafood
For a more enjoyable tasting,
use peeled shrimp
Scallops In Honey Sauce

A simple, light and healthy recipe that glorifies the natural taste of the scallops with an amazing hazelnut flavor!

  • Preparation Time :15min
  • Cooking Time :30min
Pétoncles Sauce Miel

Une recette simple, légère et saine qui magnifie le goût naturel des coquilles Saint-Jacques avec une incroyable saveur de noisette !

  • Temps de préparation :15min
  • Temps de cuisson :30min