The Ingredients
  • 1 bag of Shrimp and Scallop Mix
  • 1 roll of Commercial Puff Pastry
  • 1 hazelnut of Butter
  • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 10 cl of White Wine
  • 10 cl liquid fresh cream
  • 1 pinch of Saffron
  • 1 Egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon water
  • 1 Baking sheet
  • 1 Stove
  • 1 Wooden spatula or spoon
  • 1 Ramekin
  • 1 Brush

Steps to follow

  • STEP 01

    Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius (375 F).

  • STEP 02

    Thaw the shrimp and scallop mix according to the instructions on the package.

  • STEP 03

    Unroll the puff pastry (leave it on the parchment paper) and place it on the baking sheet.

  • STEP 04

    Melt the butter and olive oil in the pan.

  • STEP 05

    Saute the shrimp and scallops over high heat until golden brown. Then remove them from the pan. Reserve.

  • STEP 06

    Deglaze the bottom of the pan with the white wine. Lightly scrape the bottom of the pan using the spatula. Lower the heat.

  • STEP 07

    Pour the cream and saffron into the pan. Simmer for a few minutes so that the saffron has time to infuse and the cream has reduced to a thicker consistency.

  • STEP 08

    Return the shrimp and scallops to the pan. Mix everything to coat them well with saffron cream. Reserve in the cool.

  • STEP 09

    Divide vertically into three thirds the puff pastry (without cutting it). On the outer two-thirds, cut the dough horizontally using a knife into thin strips 2cm wide.

  • STEP 010

    In the ramekin, beat the egg yolk with water. Reserve.

  • STEP 011

    Garnish the central third of the shrimp and scallop mixture. Leave 2 cm empty at both the top and bottom ends.

  • STEP 012

    Start by folding the edges of the top and bottom of the puff pastry on the filling.

  • STEP 013

    Then fold in a braiding, the slats of the sides on top of each other alternately. Continue with all the slats.

  • STEP 014

    Brush the puff pastry with the beaten egg yolk mixture . Note that it should not flow on parchment paper. If necessary, remove the excess with paper towel.

  • STEP 015

    Bake for 20 minutes until the braid is well browned and swollen.

  • STEP 016

    Serve hot on a bed of green salad.

The fork of Lagoon Seafood
For a more enjoyable tasting,
use peeled shrimp
Scallops In Honey Sauce

A simple, light and healthy recipe that glorifies the natural taste of the scallops with an amazing hazelnut flavor!

  • Preparation Time :15min
  • Cooking Time :30min
Pétoncles Sauce Miel

Une recette simple, légère et saine qui magnifie le goût naturel des coquilles Saint-Jacques avec une incroyable saveur de noisette !

  • Temps de préparation :15min
  • Temps de cuisson :30min